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Why plant churches?

God has blessed the witness of many itinerant evangelists over the years, and we praise Him for the many saved through their efforts.

However, the need to plant churches as permanent witnesses to Christ in communities where there is spiritual darkness, is paramount. In this way succeeding generations will be reached with the message. Believers also need fellowship, teaching and discipling in order to mature in their faith and become ever more useful in Gospel ministry.

The church is Christ’s institution to accomplish this. Furthermore, local churches planted in needy communities become the springboard from which the Gospel penetrates other outlying communities. The hope and prayer is that one day every village and town in the countries of SGA’s ministry will have a permanent witness to the life-changing power of the Gospel.

Denis & Victoria Kuzmenko

Mikahil & Uruidana Zarovnyaev

Denis & Victoria



Denis, with his wife Victoria and five children, ministers in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov.


Denis is a refugee pastor who had to flee with his wife and children, from the Lugansk region of eastern Ukraine. He was converted from a life of addiction and has a great burden for those who are trapped in it. Of his former life he says that he lived like the demon-possessed man in the tombs described in the Gospel.


When he and others who also fled the conflict realized that they could not go back home, they began a ministry in Kharkov where they had found refuge. They work among people whose lives have been disturbed and in some cases almost destroyed by the conflict.


In Kharkov Denis began to plant a church by engaging in street evangelism. Then he and others organized a rehabilitation centre for addicts. God greatly blessed this ministry and fifteen former addicts have found Jesus Christ as Saviour. With his associates he is reaching out to plant a new church in Severodonetsk, where already they have witnessed six addicts coming to Christ.

Mikahil & Uruidana



Brought up in a society where shamanism and folk religion prevailed, Mikahil was converted from a life of paganism and alcoholism. He understands the oppression of addiction and is an effective instrument in God’s hands to reach those who are gripped by it.


Brought up in a society where shamanism and folk religion prevailed, Mikahil was converted from a life of paganism and alcoholism. He understands the oppression of addiction and is an effective instrument in God’s hands to reach those who are gripped by it.


In many isolated communities in that region there is deep spiritual darkness. Some villages and towns are without a church of any kind. Lives are lived under the shadow of occultism, enshrined in traditional folk religion and oppressive superstitions.


From the Olokh Suola church in Yakutsk, Mikahil reaches out in a wide-ranging ministry to nearly 20 villages in five districts in the region. In some villages are small groups of believers, whom they teach, disciple, and endeavour to encourage.  They share the Gospel with many who are unsaved and have been thrilled to see some converted and new churches planted.

the support


We need your help to send more Gospel workers so that those without Christ will hear the Good News of salvation in Him.

Individual partners are asked to commit to at least £15 per month for a period of 2 years or donate a one-off gift.

Typically, SGA offers support to the amount of £170 per month (£2,040 p.a.). Partners will receive reports from the field from those they sponsor.

Churches, groups or individuals may wish to provide full sponsorship.

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